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    This store owner refuses to be robbed

    The owner of a Houston, Texas store stopped a robbery in progress, as captured on surveillance video. Nate Gorman and his wife manage the Pearle Vision store in the Heights and had been experiencing thefts from their store once or twice a week for the past six weeks. On December 29, 2022 at 5:20 p.m., two suspects entered the store, one of whom appeared familiar to the store employees. The owner then asked them to leave. While the first suspect immediately cooperated, the second attempted to steal a watch before fleeing. But the store manager did not let him.

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    • xTreme Signaler  

      et vu que c'est aux USA, le lendemain les BLM vont defiler et tout casser pour se venger de cet agression raciste contre un innocent black qui ne voulait que gagner sa vie face a ce mechant suprématiste blanc qui ose avoir un magasin ....

      06/02/2023 à 19:25:08

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