A creepy peeping Tom is caught in the act, he tries to escape from the police by hiding in a swamp Webchoc.com
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    A creepy peeping Tom is caught in the act, he tries to escape from the police by hiding in a swamp

    Here is a video showing the arrest of a peeping Tom in DeBary, Florida. The suspect, Steven P. Johnson, was caught after being spotted by a sergeant and tracked down with the help of a drone. He admitted to peeping into windows and was charged with loitering or prowling and resisting an officer. He was being held in custody with a $1,000 bond.

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    • bodusboub Signaler  

      en même temps, il regarde ce qu'on lui montre !!
      si qq'un me mate parce que j'ai mal fermé mon volet, je vais pas porter plainte !
      je parle bien sur d'une fenêtre avec vis a vis.

      31/01/2023 à 18:18:49

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