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    Brazen Thieves Caught on Camera Stealing Bicycle in Broad Daylight with Angle Grinder

    Three thieves were caught on camera using an angle grinder to steal a commuter bicycle in broad daylight outside a busy railway station. Bystanders called the police but did not intervene to stop the theft. The video received mixed reactions online, with some criticizing those who did nothing but film the incident while others pointed out the potential danger of intervening and the lack of deterrents against angle grinders. The Kent police have been contacted for comment.

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    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      quel bande de putain, à minimum 1000 euros le vélo !! en france ils peuvent revendre le vélo mais faut savoir qu'ils sont immatriculé par le vendeur, c'est obligatoire. en cas de vol, il faut le signaler.

      31/01/2023 à 00:52:54

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