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    Swimmers are attacked by a seal at the beach

    The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has announced that rescuers at Clifton beach treated two people bitten on Tuesday 3 January by a "seal pup". "We urge all swimmers and kayakers to avoid seals and stay away from marine animals," the NSRI said in a statement. A video shared on social media shows a seal pup chasing a child and trying to bite it before other people come to the rescue and scare the animal away. According to the National Sea Rescue Institute, similar incidents have occurred in recent months on the region's beaches.

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    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      aussi , si les gens pue le poisson .........................

      19/01/2023 à 17:57:38
    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      Ils l'ont probableent effrayée, ca attaque pas gratuitement

      20/01/2023 à 08:15:05
    • DIABLOTIN Signaler  

      PHOQUE YOU.....

      21/01/2023 à 08:57:00

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