He gets kicked out of a store because of a T-shirt with Jesus on it! Webchoc.com
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    He gets kicked out of a store because of a T-shirt with Jesus on it!

    An individual wearing a shirt with the message "Jesus Saves" on the front and "Jesus is the Only Way" on the back was confronted by mall security at the Mall of America after several complaints were made about the shirt being offensive. The security officer gave the individual the choice to either remove or change the shirt or leave the mall. The officer stated that the shirt was offensive because it was "associated with religion." The video then shows the officer repeating their demand for the individual to remove their shirt or leave the mall.

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    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      demain il reviens et rentre avec allah wakkbar .......................

      18/01/2023 à 17:15:28
      • PetitChoc  Signaler  

        Et ce sera encore pire. Faut arreter de vori du complot partout hein

        18/01/2023 à 21:43:13
      • PetitChoc  Signaler  

        Deja son tshirt est un message politique vu le dos, ca aurait ete pareil avec n'importe quel religion

        18/01/2023 à 21:44:28

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