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    Died after refusing to wear the mask, the guards in charge that day will not go to trial

    Two Toronto hospital security guards were charged in the death of a patient, Stephanie Warriner, but a recent court decision means that the charges will never be tested in front of a jury. Warriner was at the hospital after contracting COVID-19, but her sister, Denise Warriner, stated that her sister had tested negative for the virus and was still experiencing a cough and difficulty breathing due to a pre-existing lung disease. The video footage of the altercation between Warriner and the security guards shows the guards pushing Warriner against the wall and moments later, she is seen being wheeled away by the guards before going out of camera view. What happened between the moment the camera turned and Stephanie Warriner seen in a wheelchair is unclear. A code blue was called when Rojas-Silva noticed Warriner appeared to have no pulse and was unresponsive. Warriner died 16 days later. The security guards were later charged with manslaughter and criminal negligence for causing death. However, the case was quashed due to a lack of "admissible evidence to support the findings necessary to issue an order of committal on either charge". The University Hospital Network has added 12 hours to their security guard training in response to the incident.

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