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    An MMA fighter gets revenge on a Youtuber who insulted him and his family

    A Polish MMA fighter, Amadeusz "Ferrari" Roslik, interrupted an interview with a YouTuber, Sadek, and punched him in the face. The incident occurred while the YouTuber was being interviewed by a journalist and the footage was shared on Instagram. The fighter was reportedly angry about comments the YouTuber had made about him and his family. Fans of MMA have condemned the incident on social media and some have called for the fighter to be banned from the sport and arrested. This is not the first time that Roslik has been involved in such an incident and he is known for his controversial behavior in the ring. Some MMA websites have commented that such incidents are becoming more common and that there are no consequences for fighters who engage in such behavior.

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    • leo3 Signaler  

      Il a eu raison !!!

      13/01/2023 à 19:59:22
    • sherkane51 Signaler  

      La vache, la châtaigne venue de nul part...

      14/01/2023 à 17:15:19
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Trop de merdes se sentent intouchables derrière leurs écrans de pc, de smartphones, sur les réseaux soc. Que ça lui serve de rappel.

      14/01/2023 à 17:54:50

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