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    Ukrainian police discover Russian bot farm, which used 1.5 million accounts to influence social media

    Ukrainian law enforcement has dismantled several bot farms and arrested 31 individuals, accusing them of spreading Russian propaganda through over 1.5 million fake accounts. The bot farms were active within Ukraine and the police seized over 100,000 SIM cards and 150 mobile phones during the operation. The goal of these Russian disinformation campaigns is to create confusion and complicate efforts to reach consensus in Ukraine, while also undermining the legitimacy of Ukraine's response to Russian actions. This is not the first time Ukrainian authorities have taken action against bot farms, with several similar operations being conducted in recent months.

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    • todzeuil Signaler  

      considérer comme espions et traites à la nation bref ils vont prendre cher physiquement

      13/01/2023 à 03:50:55

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