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    U.S. soldier harasses two female employees in a hotel and gets knocked down

    An incident of violence caught on video occurred at a San Diego hotel involving a US Marine, Jason Frink, who attacked two female hotel workers. The altercation began when Frink, who was denied a room by the two women, became hostile and began to swear at them. When Ronnie Toms, one of the hotel employees, asked Frink to leave, he refused and continued to walk through the lobby. In a fit of rage, Frink then proceeded to physically assault Toms's coworker, and when Toms confronted him, he began to fight her as well. The altercation ended with Toms defending herself and her coworker by using a metal lamp to strike Frink. Both Toms and Frink were injured in the scuffle. The Marine unit at Camp Pendleton has confirmed that they are investigating the incident involving Frink.

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