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    This presenter is bitten by a snake, he laughs rather than panicking

    Here is the day Australian animal lover Steve Irwin was bitten by a python (1991).  "This one is a python, as you can see, it won't bite because it can't eat me and it's not afraid, I don't scare it. It doesn't bite and it doesn't have venom, and it's a python but it's very hard from a distance to tell a python from a... ahh." If Steve stops talking, it's because the snake just bit him. While its fangs are still planted in his neck, the presenter, instead of panicking, laughs about it and asks the cameraman to zoom in on his neck...

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    • zioly Signaler  

      Ce gars là faisait de super documentaires. D'ailleurs, il est mort en faisant sa passion, d'une piqûre au cœur d'une raie pastenague.

      30/11/2022 à 07:18:54

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