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    Incident in a German steel plant

    Beyond the incident in this German steel plant, the most impressive thing is the reaction of the employees, who do not hurry at all, while the molten metal flows and pursues them... This is because the problem is known and it is not the first time it has happened (Saarstahl AG steel plant in Völklingen).

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    • Baribal Signaler  

      Il y en a un qui aurait pu virer le vélo ! Il crame maintenant !!

      16/11/2022 à 16:53:21
      • floflo60  Signaler  

        Mais non il est entrain d'être recyclé !!

        17/11/2022 à 09:22:38
      • DIABLOTIN floflo60 Signaler  


        17/11/2022 à 14:02:52

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