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    This is what domestic violence looks like

    In the United States, a man is filmed assaulting his wife, by throwing objects at her (like a table). A violent scene, but which seems usual for the neighbors (the guy in a wheelchair who smokes his joint and who seems to think "Oh, no, he did it again..." ^^)

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    • floflo60 Signaler  

      Il s'en prend même au chien cet enfoiré !!

      10/10/2022 à 14:59:43
      • Baribal  Signaler  

        C'est vrai ça ! Pauvre chien !!

        10/10/2022 à 16:44:59
      • cacaboudin  Signaler  

        c'eu été un cangal ou un BA ,pas sûr

        10/10/2022 à 20:36:49
    • majorcrisis Signaler  

      Commence par mettre une ceinture ! pauvre dégénéré !

      11/10/2022 à 15:02:35

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