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    Man carrying baby abandons him to escape police

    In Detroit, a man holding a baby in his arms tries to escape from the police. Seeing that he won't make it with the baby in his arms, he puts the child in the police car, before running away. The police officers tried to run after him and to tase him, without success. Perhaps a problem of overweight.

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    • xavantage14 Signaler  

      Le flic qui essaie de courir…j’ai ri.

      04/10/2022 à 12:20:45
    • CASTA Signaler  

      Partout les anglais

      04/10/2022 à 12:58:17
    • myosine Signaler  

      Quelle merdier : le gros sac à merde qui poursuit une grosse merde...

      04/10/2022 à 13:34:00
    • Issachar Signaler  

      Pour bien manger : engagez-vous.

      04/10/2022 à 22:20:15

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