A general brawl breaks out in a Providence club Webchoc.com
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    A general brawl breaks out in a Providence club

    At a club in Providence, Rhode Island, a general brawl broke out in which as many punches were thrown as chairs. Only one participant was arrested, because he was in possession of a weapon when he left the club. At 00:05, I don't understand why they cut the music, it was so good for the atmosphere...

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    • bodusboub Signaler  

      0.40, pas de soutif :)

      14/09/2022 à 16:49:15
      • gaill17  Signaler  

        bien vue ; )

        15/09/2022 à 01:28:08
      • Jubry  Signaler  

        vivieux ! ;)

        15/09/2022 à 19:07:04

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